Unveil the Rich Heritage of Hawaii

The Big Island of Hawaii is a treasure trove of cultural and historical sites, offering a captivating journey through the rich heritage of the Hawaiian people. From ancient temples to historic landmarks, there is much to explore and appreciate.

1. Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau National Historical Park

Location: South Kona
Highlights: Sacred Hawaiian site, royal grounds, and a place of refuge for ancient lawbreakers.
Why Visit: Step back in time and experience the sacred grounds where ancient Hawaiians sought refuge and absolution. This well-preserved site offers a glimpse into the traditional Hawaiian way of life, complete with reconstructed temples, fishponds, and wooden carvings of gods.

2. Kaloko-Honokōhau National Historical Park

Location: Kailua-Kona
Highlights: Ancient fishponds, petroglyphs, and coastal trails.
Why Visit: This coastal park showcases the ingenuity of ancient Hawaiian aquaculture and the spiritual significance of petroglyphs. The park’s trails lead visitors through lush landscapes and historical landmarks, providing a serene yet educational experience.

3. Hulihe‘e Palace

Location: Kailua-Kona
Highlights: 19th-century royal residence, museum artifacts, and Hawaiian monarchy history.
Why Visit: Once a summer home for Hawaiian royalty, this palace now serves as a museum filled with artifacts and stories from the Hawaiian monarchy era. The beautifully restored building offers insight into the lives of the Hawaiian royals and the island’s transition through history.

4. Mookini Heiau State Monument

Location: North Kohala
Highlights: One of Hawaii’s oldest and most significant heiaus (temples).
Why Visit: This ancient site, believed to date back to the 5th century, provides a powerful connection to Hawaii’s spiritual and cultural past. It’s a place where visitors can reflect on the island’s deep-rooted traditions and the significance of its sacred sites.

5. Kealakekua Bay Historical Park

Location: South Kona
Highlights: Monument to Captain James Cook, snorkeling, and historical significance.
Why Visit: Known for its clear waters and vibrant marine life, this bay is also historically significant as the location of Captain James Cook’s first landing and subsequent death. The park offers both natural beauty and a poignant look at a pivotal moment in Hawaiian history.

Explore the Past, Embrace the Present

Exploring the Big Island’s cultural and historical sites offers a unique opportunity to connect with Hawaii’s past. Each location tells a story, adding depth to your island adventure. Rent a Jeep from Kona Jeep Rental to easily access these fascinating destinations and uncover the rich tapestry of Hawaii’s heritage.

Plan Your Journey Today!

Why Choose Kona Jeep Rental?

  • Affordable Rates
  • Convenient Pick-Up & Drop-Off
  • Island Exploration Without the Cost
  • No Hidden Fees

Embark on a journey through time and experience the magic of Hawaii’s cultural and historical sites with the freedom and convenience of a Jeep rental. Book your Jeep today and start your adventure!


Are your Jeeps suitable for families? Yes, our Jeeps are spacious and comfortable for families, offering enough room for luggage and gear.

Can I pick up my Jeep at Kona Airport? Yes, we offer convenient pick-up and drop-off at the Kona International Airport.

How can I pay for my rental? We accept all major credit cards for hassle-free payments.